Floodplain Forms and Additional Information

  1. Forms
  2. FEMA Forms & Technical Bulletins
  3. FEMA Factsheets
  4. Floodplain Information Available at the Baltimore City Library

Baltimore Housing’s Office of Permits & Building Inspections enforces the Baltimore City Building Code, as well as state laws pertain to construction and occupancy. The Housing Office issues building permits and provides subsequent inspections for construction, alteration, electrical, mechanical and plumbing work in both commercial and residential structures. If a property triggers floodplain review, the permit is sent up to the Department of Planning Floodplain managers. To obtain a permit or file a completed application in person, visit the One-Stop Shop, 417 E Fayette St., Room 100. If you are not sure if your project requires a permit, call 410-396-3660. Permits requiring floodplain review may require one or more of the forms below.


Pre-Development Floodplain Application

To request a pre-development meeting with City Certified Floodplain Managers, please fill out a pre-development form. Submit the completed application to Joanna Birch at Joanna.Birch@baltimorecity.gov.

Elevation Certificate 

Elevation Certificate means a certification, in the form and containing the information required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), of the elevations of a structure and its improvements. The Department of Planning’s Office of Sustainability is a repository for Elevation Certificates. Please see what we have available here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vshv7yng8tnvxvj/AABTC1R3F60Edtusi-tP9nQja?dl=0

Floodproofing Certificate

A Floodproofing Certificate is the form to be used to certify a floodproofing design for non-residential buildings that are permitted as an alternative to elevating to or above the Design Flood Elevation (DFE).

Variance Request

A variance request form is required from projects that cannot, for a select number of reasons, achieve full floodplain compliance. Only a select number of reasons are considered for a variance request by the Department of Planning- Please check with the Floodplain Manager prior to filling out and submitting a variance request to the City. A variance request is assessed both internally by the Department of Planning and by the Maryland Department of the Environment, and the review process for a variance request may take up to 8 weeks.

FEMA Forms and Technical Bulletins

FEMA Floodplain Management Publications Library

Floodproofing Certificate

Elevation Certificate

ASCE-7, Flood Damage-Resistant Materials

FEMA Technical Bulletin 2

FEMA Technical Bulletin 7

Substantial Improvement and Substantial Damage Reference


FEMA Fact Sheets

Higher Floodplain Management Standards– Standards and ordinances that exceed NFIP minimum requirements will make communities even stronger and more resilient, now and in the future. FEMA supports communities adopting higher standards.

Critical Facilities and Higher Standards– A critical facility provides services and functions essential to a community, especially during and after a disaster. Special consideration when formulating higher regulatory standards and floodplain management plans needs to occur when critical facilities are involved.

LiMWA (Limit of Moderate Wave Action)– The LiMWA area alerts property owners on the seaward side of the line that although their property is in Zone AE, their property may be affected by 1.5-foot or higher breaking waves and may therefore be at significant risk during a 1-percent-annualchance flood event. The area between Zone VE and the LiMWA is called the Coastal A Zone.

Floodplain Management Fact Sheet– Floodplain management is broadly defined to include all actions that States and communities can take to reduce flood damage to both new and existing buildings and infrastructure.

Floodsmart Video Library


Floodplain Information Available at the Baltimore City Library

  •  An Assessment of Maryland’s Vulnerability to Flood Damage
  • Baltimore City Article 7 Natural Resources Code
  • Baltimore City Flood Insurance Study
  • DFIRM Outreach Program
  • Risk Assessment Mapping and Planning Partners: Maryland Mapping Status
  • Above the Flood: Elevating Your Floodprone House
  • Answers to Questions about the NFIP
  • Coastal Construction Manual
  • Elevated Residential Structures
  • Mandatory Purchase of Flood Insurance Guidelines
  • Migitation of Flood and Erosion Damage to Residential Buildings in Coastal Areas
  • Protecting Building Utilities From Flood Damage
  • Protecting Floodplain Resources
  • Protecting Manufactured Homes from Floods and Other Hazards
  • Reducing Damage from Localized Flooding