Urban Farmer Sought for Natural Dyeing Initiative

The Maryland Agricultural & Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation has released a Request for Proposals  for a farmer to establish, maintain and deliver Natural Dye plant products by transforming a portion of a vacant lot in West Baltimore. The lot will be transformed into a demonstration urban farm that produces crops to make natural dyes for artistic, educational and commercial use. Partners of the initiative include the Maryland Department of Commerce (through the Maryland State Arts Council), the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation (MARBIDCO), the Baltimore Development Corporation (BDC), the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and Coppin State University.

Proposals are due on 1/31, two letters of support required.

Learn more and apply here: http://www.marbidco.org/_pages/news_and_events/news_and_events.htm